ryu diary

My daily in Poland


最近あった出来事を僕の性格と主に共有したいと思う。 X I would like to share recent events with my personality. O I would like to share a recent event and something about my personality. O I would like to share something that happened recent…

recent event and my personality

最近あった出来事を僕の性格と主に共有したいと思う。 I would like to share recent events with my personality. 初めに、僕はこの3年ほど怒った記憶がない。その性格を持っているので、正直、感情的に怒る人があまり好きではない。むしろ怖い。 Firstly,…

first post 訂正

O Today I write down my thoughts and feelings in this diary to remember and practice what I learned. O And I want to improve and understand English more so I’ll try to write when I can or feel like it. O My friend patsy also writes down he…

first post

Hey, I'm Ryu Today I write down my thoughts and feeling on this diary to organize and memory my mind. And I want to improve and understand about English so I try to write that when I want to do it (I don't know if I can continue this one c…